Mardi 02 Juillet 2024
A l'envers des nuages, il y a toujours un ciel - Mohommad Al Faytury
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Trouvable sur Arakas
Trouvable sur Raven's Dust
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Ajout version 1.25 / Ajouts serveurs
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Nom For End Dext Sag Int Obtention Achat Vente Dom. Min Dom. Max
31 0 184 0 0  AraignĂ©e voleuse de vie 86 115
49 0 184 0 0  Summon 122 167
53 0 256 0 0  Un forgeron occupĂ© 500247 134 180
64 0 271 0 0  Thor Glarefire 560739 148 199
77 0 285 0 0  Thor Glarefire 624678 168 226
77 0 285 0 0  Summon 210 285
46 0 314 0 0  Une Ombre 762915 166 224
53 0 329 0 0  Lord of the Shops 837213 165 222
66 0 343 0 0  Lord of the Shops 304986 153 204
66 0 343 0 0  Lord of the Shops 914958 171 229
80 0 358 0 0  Lord of the Shops 332053 164 219
80 0 358 0 0  Lord of the Shops 996159 182 246
94 0 372 0 0  Lord of the Shops 360569 180 241
94 0 372 0 0  Lord of the Shops 1080807 201 272
94 0 372 0 0  Lord of the Shops 14410760 249 342
62 0 401 0 0  Lord of the Shops 420154 167 225
62 0 401 0 0  Lord of the Shops 1260462 186 252
77 0 416 0 0  Lord of the Shops 451823 172 232
77 0 416 0 0  Lord of the Shops 1355469 191 260
92 0 430 0 0  Lord of the Shops 484641 184 248
92 0 430 0 0  Lord of the Shops 1453923 204 277
109 0 445 0 0  Lord of the Shops 518611 201 272
109 0 445 0 0  Lord of the Shops 1555833 223 305
90 0 503 0 0  Lord of the Shops 665933 195 265
90 0 503 0 0  Lord of the Shops 1997979 216 296
113 0 546 0 0  Lord of the Shops 788609 216 293
113 0 546 0 0  Lord of the Shops 2365827 239 328
138 0 590 0 0  Lord of the Shops 921581 244 334
138 0 590 0 0  Lord of the Shops 2764743 270 373
138 0 590 0 0  Makrsh P'Tangh 331 466
0 0 0 0 0  Sigfried 29 9 1 3
0 0 0 0 0  Un commis voyageur 87 19 1 3
13 0 24 0 0  Sigfried 605 201 5 11
13 0 24 0 0  A traveling merchant 1815 403 5 11
17 0 39 0 0  Sigfried 2631 787 12 18
17 0 39 0 0  A traveling merchant 7083 1574 13 21
15 0 53 0 0  Ttayh Mark 5266 1755 18 26
18 0 68 0 0  Ttayh Mark 9323 3107 28 39
17 0 39 0 0  Summon 3148 17 27
15 0 53 0 0  A traveling merchant 15798 3510 20 29
22 0 82 0 0  Ttayh Mark 14529 4843 33 50
18 0 68 0 0  A traveling merchant 27969 6215 31 44
29 0 97 0 0  Ttayh Mark 20887 6962 42 56
22 0 82 0 0  A traveling merchant 43587 9686 37 52
22 0 126 0 0  Rhodar Pyras 37053 12351 51 69
29 0 97 0 0  A traveling merchant 62661 13924 45 64
27 0 140 0 0  Rhodar Heatforge 46861 15620 64 87
27 0 140 0 0  QuĂȘte de Malachai 15620 64 87
31 0 155 0 0  Rhodar Heatforge 58721 19273 69 93
40 0 169 0 0  Rhodar Heatforge 69930 23310 77 103
40 35 169 25 20  Skraug 23310 78 104
22 0 126 0 0  Rawlin 111159 24702 57 77
49 0 184 0 0  Rhodar Heatforge 83191 27730 88 117
29 0 97 0 0  Summon 27849 57 80
27 0 140 0 0  Rawlin 140583 31240 72 98
31 0 213 0 0  Gulfrid Morzholdir 113163 37721 90 120
31 0 155 0 0  Rawlin 173463 38547 77 105
36 0 227 0 0  Gulfrid Steelhammer 129874 43291 108 145
40 0 169 0 0  Rawlin 209790 46620 86 116
42 0 242 0 0  Gulfrid Steelhammer 147737 49245 112 149
49 0 184 0 0  Rawlin 249573 55460 98 132
53 0 256 0 0  Gulfrid Steelhammer 166749 55583 120 160
64 0 271 0 0  Gulfrid Steelhammer 186913 62304 132 177
77 0 285 0 0  Gulfrid Steelhammer 208226 69408 150 200
31 0 213 0 0  Thor Glarefire 339489 75442 100 135
46 0 314 0 0  Lord of the Shops 254304 84768 149 199
36 0 227 0 0  Lord of the Shops 389622 86582 121 163
53 0 329 0 0  Lord of the Shops 279071 93023 148 197
42 0 242 0 0  Thor Glarefire 443211 98491 125 168

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Nom For End Dext Sag Int Obtention Achat Vente Bonus
1 2 3 4 5  pnj / bonus et malus
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